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Image: The Virgin Appearing to St. Jerome

Photo Credit: photo: M. Johnston
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The Virgin Appearing to St. Jerome

16th century
420 x 299 mm (16.5 x 11.8 in.)

Agostino Carracci, Italian, (1557–1602)
After Jacopo Tintoretto, Italian (Venetian), (1519–1594)

Object Type: print
Medium and Support: Etching and engraving
State: Third of four states
Bibliography: Bartsch 78 (vol. 18, p. 77): “Cette estampe est une des principales de l’oeuvre de Agostino Carracci”; Bohlen 146 iii/iv.
Credit Line: Purchase funds, 1970
Accession Number: 1970.31.2

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  • plate Dimensions: 420 x 299 mm (16.5 x 11.8 in.)

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Open Access Image from the Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University (photo: M. Johnston) .

Your search criteria: Keyword is "CHF" and [Objects]Century is "16th century" and [Objects]Work Type is "Print".

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