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Image: Flagellation of Christ

Photo Credit: photo: R. Lee
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Flagellation of Christ

16th century

Hendrick Goltzius, Dutch, (1558–1617)

Object Type: print
Medium and Support: Engraving
Series: from set of eleven engravings The Small Passion
Provenance / Collectors' Marks: George W. Davison; inscribed on inside of front cover: “[illegible name], 1880”; inscribed on cover of book in which the prints were pasted: “Charles Start (?) jun: /Wirksworth / Derbyshire / May 6: 1817 price 1 L/11/6d.”
Bibliography: Bartsch 32; Hollstein 26.
Credit Line: Gift of George W. Davison (BA Wesleyan 1892), 1947
Accession Number: 1947.D1.19.6

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Open Access Image from the Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University (photo: R. Lee) .

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